Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Basics Part Two

As far as the ideal talent make up, there's a lot of debate. I have specced into the Elemental tree and the Restoration tree and found that both definitely have their bonuses. From the stand point of the elemental tree it's the biggest advantage has to do with the speed in which you can apply you shocks on you opponents. The disadvantage of this is I found myself going OOM much faster than the other build. In the traditional Enhance/Resto build I found that I actually output more damage over time and that I rarely have to pot or mana shield in intances or raids. PVP does see me having to recoup my mana more, but that's to be expected because of the nature of what happens on the battlegrounds.

With some of the proposed changes coming in WotLK, I'm really looking forward to seeing how the builds will work out. I know that with some of the improvements they have been talking about with regards to armor and such I will probably want to see if it is possible to put more talent points in to my armor buffing talent. Even though I'm not sure this will be really possible.

On a side note. Pallas recently respecced to a Fury/Prot hybrid (0/28/11) and I am really liking the difference in play. I can now use a sword and shield and do very good damage and I have increased my survivability quite a bit. I'm following the (0/30/31) talent build for hybrid off tanks. I feel that this will allow me more room to level fairly fast and to start learning to tank in 5-mans. If anyone has any thoughts on this, please leave a comment letting me know what you think.

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